Redefining Happiness – Making It Possible
The definition of happiness most agreed upon by neuroscientists, psychiatrists, economists, positive psychologists and Buddhist Monks is not of happiness as the state of bursting
Licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist, Author, Radio Host and Media Consultant Covering a Wide Range of Psychological Topics
The definition of happiness most agreed upon by neuroscientists, psychiatrists, economists, positive psychologists and Buddhist Monks is not of happiness as the state of bursting
You need only glance at the newsstand at any store checkout to read about the latest secret or lie exposed in the lives of the
Regardless of whether they are young or old, if you ask partners about their Honeymoon, you hear and see a spark of that romantic excitement
Can you say NO to your partner? Can you tolerate hearing NO? In a relationship, the freedom to say NO may be one of the
Evolutionary theory, gender differences, stereotype, media myth and cultural expectations invite us to recognize that men have more sexual desire than women both in frequency
While most partners want someone to care if they run away with the neighbor, using jealousy to evoke a sign of love from a partner,
Most couples know the positive sounds of silence–the mutual experience of sharing time and space together without needing words. Be it walking the dog together,
In a culture of cell phones, text messages, Facebook, tweets and instagrams, the definitions of privacy and secrecy are challenged and at times blurred. You
Whenever an affair is exposed involving a well known celebrity, politician or neighbor, there seems far more interest in presuming the motives of the man
There is nothing small about “small talk.” Defined as polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially used on social occasions, small talk has often
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