Trying to Change Your Partner? Pitfalls and Possibilities
If you ask people what they think would improve their relationship, their immediate answer is often a clear formulation of what changes their partner could
Licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist, Author, Radio Host and Media Consultant Covering a Wide Range of Psychological Topics
If you ask people what they think would improve their relationship, their immediate answer is often a clear formulation of what changes their partner could
Recycling is a good idea, except when it comes to relationships. Regardless of what people tell themselves about the time invested, the good times missed,
The impact of what we wear may be far more complex than we realize. We have for some time considered the impact of what we
“I love you but I don’t love that large Disney Sweatshirt.” “When did marriage mean you would stop shaving on the weekends?” “Everything you tried
What guarantees commitment in the face of attractive alternative temptations? Nothing. What maintains commitment in the face of attractive alternative temptations? Many things. There is
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