Dr. Suzanne B. Phillips
Licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist, Author, Radio Host and Media Consultant Covering a Wide Range of Psychological Topics
Speaking and Professional Events
Testimony Before Congress
In February 2008, as Community Outreach Chair of AGPA, Dr. Suzanne B. Phillips gave testimony before Congress for the needs of military and their families.
Professional Presentations
Phillips, S.B, Haen, C., Ullman, K.,Piper, L., Shah, S. “Finding Collective Shelter: A Theme Directed Audience Discussion in the Year of COVID-19, Battles for Racial Justice and Political Chaos.” Full Day Program Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. February, 2021
Phillips, S.,& Klein R.H. The Group as a Safe Space to Integrate Physical and Emotional Assaults of COVID-19 on Sense of Self, 2 day Institute, American Group Psychotherapy Association, New York, February, 2021.
Phillips, S.B. & Haen C., Strategies of Caring and Recommendations for Self-Care, American Group Psychotherapy Association Community Outreach, Group for NGO Counselors in Nigeria, November 2020 – January 2021.
Phillips, S. B. & Raymond, A. Presentation “Coping, Caring and Resilience in Uncertain Times” Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services Inc, ( RAICES) Oct 28, 2020.
Phillips,S.B. Psy.D.,& Nitza, A., PhD. “Webinar in Psychological First Aid.” American Group Psychotherapy Association. June 24, 2020.
Phillips, S.B., & Haen C., Voices of September 11th, Roundtable Discussion, “Managing Family Dynamics During COVID-19″ American Group Psychotherapy Association Community Outreach. June 11, 2020.
Phillips, S.B., (2020) Group Clinician for Voices Center for Resilience, “Supporting Ourselves; Supporting Each Other: Peer-to-Peer Support Groups” 9/11 community virtual peer-to-peer support groups facilitated by clinicians from the American Group Psychotherapy Association. 9/16/20 ( Zoom Program)
Phillips, S.B., Moore, C., & Henin, A (2020) “ Providing Support and Promoting Resilience in Children and Families,” Voices Center for Resilience, 9/9/20 ( Zoom Program)
Phillips, S. B., ( 2020) –“Relationships as Addictions: Untangling and Healing Self in Group,” 3/3-3/4/20, Sheraton, New York, NY.
Phillips, S.B., 2/28/19, “ Restoring the Curious Mind in Group.” Panelist with Andrew Eig, PhD & Richard Billow PhD, Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, AGPA Connect, LA CA.
Phillips, S.B. 2/26-2/27/19, “ From Disallowed to Allowed- Finding the Authentic Self in Group.” Two-day Institute, Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, AGPA Connect 2019, LA, CA.

Phillips, S.B., Dec 1, 2018, Conference Presenter Migration Crisis: How to Effectively Use Community Resources, “Dealing with the Pain and Potential of Migration: The Relevance of the Trauma Group Model.” New York Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Division, Cornell Psychiatry
Phillips S.B., November 16 & 17, 2018, Robert Klein, & Victor Schermer “Coercive Trauma: The Annihilation Of Authentic Selfhood And The Path To Recovery ,” Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society 2018 Annual Conference, Riverside Church, NY.
Phillips, S. B., Oct 24,2018, A. Raymond, Trainers, American Group Psychotherapy Association Outreach for The Immigration Justice Project and The Southeast Immigration Freedom Initiative, Zoom Training, Care of the Attorney Caregiver – An Introduction to Vicarious Trauma.
Phillips S. B., October 26, 2018, Panelist “A Closer Look at Moral Injury: Existential Challenges Faced by Returning Veterans,” Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative, National Association of Social Workers, New York State Chapterat the Noel Ruiz Theatre (Oakdale, NY) 12PM – 6PM
Phillips S. B. and AGPA Outreach Team, September 2018 – Voices of September 11th Moderator of Panel, Listening Group Leader with AGPA Outreach Group Leaders. NY, Annual Information Forum – Downtown Marriott Hotel, NYC.
Phillips, S. and AGPA Outreach Team, August 2018, -Camp Galaxy – Program with Military Children of 106th
Rescue Squad, Westhampton, NY.
Phillips, S.B., 2/29/18, “Trauma, Torture and Displacement: Finding Connection and Self In Group.” Open Session, Discussant, American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting, Houston Texas.
Phillips, S. B., 2/27/18-2/28/18, “Humiliation, Shame & Guilt: Healing Assaults to Self in the Context of Group,” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas.
Phillips, S. B., January 12, 2018, “From Traumatic Loss to Connection and Hope.” The 2nd Annual Living Memories Project” New Trends and Clinical Interventions in Grief and Bereavement Counseling, Mid-Island Y JCC. Plainview,NY

Phillips, S. B., November, 2017, “Bergen County School Suicide and Crisis Intervention Training” All Day Flight Team Training, AGPA Outreach, Glen Rock, New Jersey.
Phillips, S. B., Restoration vs. Revenge: Narrating and Integrating Trauma in Group, 2 Day Special Interest Institute, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Annual Meeting, March 7-8, 2017, NY.NY
Phillips, S. B., Miller, M., Koblenz, J. “Military women Reveal Barriers and Pathways to Healthcare: A qualitative Group Study.” Open Session, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Annual Meeting, March 9,2017, NY, NY.
Phillips, S. B., Adjunct Full Professor, LIU Post, “Where There is Group-There is Process,” Seminar, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, March 21, 2017, LIU Post, Brookville, NY.

Phillips, S. B., “Developing a Post-Trauma Identity: Group As a Source of Integration and Healing.” Two-Day Institute, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Annual Meeting, Feb 22, 23 2016, NY, NY.
Phillips, S. B. “Violence in America: Therapists Join The Dialogue and Search For Solutions” Panelist, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Feb. 25, 2016, NY, NY.
Phillips, S.B, Haen, C., Beck, R., Ulman K., Voices of September 11th, The 15th Anniversary Events, “Healing With Others: Group Interventions for Adults, Children, Teens and Couples Following Traumatic Events,” September 9, 2016, Downtown Marriott hotel, N.Y.
Phillips, S. B., Klein, R., & Haen, C., Voices of September 11th, The 15th Anniversary Events, “Resilient But Still Healing After All These Years: Group interventions for Ongoing Recovery,” September 10, 2016, Downtown Marriott hotel, NY.
Phillips, S. B. AGPA Community Outreach, “Bergen County Flight School Training for Response to Critical Incidents in a School District Environment,” 10/21/16, Bergen County, New Jersey,
Phillips, S., Miller, M., Koblenz, J. “The Soldier’s Project: Preparing Clinicians to Serve the Needs of Veterans.” Suffolk County Psychological Association, The Adelphi University Hauppauge Education and Conference Center, Commack, N.Y., Nov. 4, 2016.
Phillips, S.B. “Trauma As an Integral Part of Life: The Use of Groups as a Context for Understanding, Connection and Recovery” Two-Day Institute, Maui, Hawaii, November 12, 13, 2016
Phillips, S. B. “Trauma As an Integral Part of Life: The Use of Groups as a Context for Understanding, Connection and Recovery.” Two-Day Institute, Oahu, Hawaii, November 19, 20, 2016

“The Journey From Trauma to Hope and Healing”
Keynote Speaker for Voices of 9/11 April 3, 2015
Co-chair Community Outreach AGPA
“The Road from Shared Loss and Private Pain to
Unexpected Resilience and Reasons for Hope”
Keynote Speaker for Voices of 9/11 Remembrance Day, September 10, 2015

Community Outreach 2016
Phillips S. B. Co-Chair of American Group Psychotherapy Association, Camp Galaxy for Military Children, “Joining Together We Soar” 106th Air National Guard Wing at Gabreski Air Force base in Westhampton Beach N.Y
International Outreach
Phillips, S. B., Klein, R.,& Kleinberg, J.(2009) “Adaptation of the Basic Group Training Course AGPA” Long-distance training for three months using Skype – University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu China. ( 8 sessions) April – June 2009.
Phillips, S. B.(2009) Interview by the Italian Psychological Association on the book Healing Together After Trauma :A Couple’s Guide to Coping with Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress by Raffaele Felaco “ Guarire Insieme: Guida alla Coppia per Affrontare lo Stress Traumatico e Post-Traumatico” La Professione di Psicologo, November 2009, Rome Italy.
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Phillips, S.B. (2009) “Group Response to Trauma and Disaster: Lessons Learned by The American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) in the aftermath of 9/11” Three separate workshops given by Dr. Suzanne Phillips and other AGPA for International Caregivers and those Italian psychologists and psychiatrists working with survivors and families of the Italian earthquake in L’Aguila in April ’09 at the 17th Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Rome, Italy. 8/24/09 & 8/29/09.
Phillips S. B. (2009) “Group Response to Trauma and Disaster: Lessons Learned by AGPA in the aftermath of 9/11: Care of the Caregivers: Group Interventions to Reduce Secondary PTSD and Vicarious Traumatization.” 17th Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Rome, Italy 8/24/09 & 8/29/09
Phillips S. B. & Ullman, K. (2009 ) Panelist in Symposium “Women in Groups in Times of Conflict” 17th Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Rome, Italy 8/24/09 & 8/29/09
Phillips, S.B. (2010) Chair and Moderator “Cultural Sensitivity in Disaster Response: Haiti and the Haitian Community” Panel with Haitian and American Professionals Co organized by the American Group Psychotherapy Association and The William Alanson White Institute. Both live in New York and on audio – 14 states at the UK March 19,2010.
Phillips S. B. & Rice C. ( 2011) Long Distance AGPA Course “Cultural Sensitivity in Disaster Response: Japan and the Japanese Community.” Panelists: Yumiko Soga, MA LMFT, Emily Zeng, Psy., SethAronson, Psy.D.,CGP,FAGPA
Guest Appearances
Radio Guest on The Processing Podcast – Which Considers the Relationship of Grief and Food.
On 4/23/21 Dr. Suzanne Phillips joins Zahara and Bobbie as a guest. She shares her thoughts on Trauma, Grief, Food and the Enduring Presence of a Lost Loved one in an episode entitled “ Eggplant.” She shares how she stays connected to her Mom with Cooking. Click here for your HRN episode page.
All Events
Phillips, S. B. “The Dangerous Role of Silence in the Relationship Between Trauma and Violence,” The Spring Conference of the Suffolk Institute of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy ( SIPP), Melville, N.Y., March 30, 2014.
Phillips, S. B. “Bergen County School Crisis Intervention Training” All Day Flight Team Training, AGPA Outreach, Glen Rock, New Jersey, March 28, 2014.
Phillips, S. B. “Dealing with Anger in the Relationships of Returning Veterans,” Soldier’s Project , Long Island, Manhasset, N.Y. March 16, 2014
Phillips, S. & Shah, S. A, “Near and Distant Trauma: The Efficacy of Group Response for Survivors and Caregivers” Full Day Course, Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, Boston, MA 3/9/14.
Phillips, S. & Klein, R. “Safe Enough to Find the Words: Group as a Response to Trauma” Two Day Institute, Annual Meeting of The American Group Psychotherapy Association, Boston, MA 3/3-3/9/14
Phillips, S. and AGPA Outreach Team –Camp Galaxy – Program with Military Children of 106th Rescue Squad, Westhampton, NY. August 2013
Phillips, S. B. “Understanding the Impact of Trauma, The Risks of Caring and the Viability of Group Healing” Brooklyn VA Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY May 17,2013
Phillips, S. & Underwood M. (2013) “The Efficacy of Group Techniques in Trauma Response for Survivors and Caregivers” Full Day Trauma Group Training, Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, New Orleans 3/2/13.
Phillips, S & Klein, R. “Trauma As an Integral Part of Life” Two Day Institute, Annual Meeting of The American Group Psychotherapy Assoc.,New Orleans, 2/25-2/26,2013.
Phillips, S, Kleinberg, J., Dumais, D., (2013) “Healing in Groups: Understanding and Responding to Trauma and Disaster” Workshop Presented by AGPA Outreach TaskForce and NYSPA Division 49, New York, 2/10/2013.
Phillips, S. (2012) “Caught Up In The Storm, Understanding and Reducing the Emotional Aftermath of Hurricane Sunday.” Presentation: St. Joseph’s College Psychology Department & Suffolk county Psychological Association, Dec. 6, 2012.
Phillips, S. (2012) “After the Storm: Understanding and Responding in the Wake of Natural Disaster” AGPA Distance Learning Course, Nov. 28, 2012.
Phillips, S. (2012) “Sexuality Across The Ages: All We Are and All We Can Be” “Under the Blue Tent” A Women’s Retreat- The Blue Thong Society, N.Y., May 19,2012
Phillips S. B. ( 2011) Caring For Those Who Serve : Care of the Caregivers, The Soldiers Project” L.I., Workshop Presenter, Co-Chair, American Group Psychotherapy Association, Nov. 5, 2011. Hauppauge, N.Y. Phillips S. B. ( 2011)
Phillips, S. B. & Rice C., Co-Moderators of AGPA Long Distance Three Panel Series: “The 10th Anniversary of 9/11: Understanding Anniversary Reactions- Sharing our Remembrances”; “ Ten Years Later: The unfolding Impact of 9/11 on Caregivers, Survivors, School Populations, and Families”; “9/11 – The Long Term Impact – Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Survival Missions, Post Traumatic Growth” 9/11,9/18,9/25/2011.
Phillips, S.B, Co-Chair of Outreach, Team Leader (August 17, 2011) the American Group Psychotherapy Program Camp Galaxy Resiliency Program Day for 50 military children from the 106th Rescue Wing, Westhampton Beach, N.Y.
Phillips S. B. & Rice C. ( 6/24/11) Long Distance AGPA Course “Cultural Sensitivity in Disaster Response: Japan and the Japanese Community.” Panelists: Yumiko Soga, MA LMFT, Emily Zeng, Psy., SethAronson, Psy.D.,CGP,FAGPA York State Psychological Association 74th Annual Convention, NY,NY Panelist “ Ten Years Later – 9/11/2010: Then, After and Now ( Retrospective and Prospective)” June 5, 2011.
New York State Psychological Association 74th Annual Convention, NY, NY “Couples Healing in The Shadow of Trauma and Combat Stress” Suzanne B. Phillips Psy.D.,ABPP,CGP,FAGPA and Dianne Kane DSW,CGP 7 Paul Green Ph.D.( June 5, 2011) ( 2 hour workshop)
Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy , The 30th Annual Regional Conference, June11, 2011, Boston MA –“Responding to the Needs of Couples in the Aftermath of Trauma and Combat Stress” ( 3 hour workshop)
Suzanne B. Phillips Psy.D.,ABPP,CGP,FAGPA Phillips S. B. & Underwood M. (2011) “Teen Suicide: Postvention and Prevention” Long –Distance ( audio call in course) March 24,2011 7:30-9PM Eastern Time.
Phillips S. B. (2011) “Couples Healing in the Aftermath of Deployment and Combat Stress” Workshop offered to The Soldier’s Project, Long Island. Manhasset, N.Y. April 9, 2011
Phillips S. B. (2011) “Working with Trauma: Anniversary Reactions.” Two day Institute at the Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, March 1,2011, New York, N.,Y.
Phillips S. B (2011) “Using Groups for Trauma Intervention” 2 Day Trauma Course, at the Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, 3/4-3/5, 2011, N.Y, N.Y.
Phillips, S. B. ( July 2011) Book Review of Trauma Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician’s Manual by Hadar Lubin, M.D. and David Read Johnson, Ph.D. in International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 61, No.3.474-481.
Phillips S. B. (2011) Up Close and Personal: A Consideration of the Role of Personal Therapy in the Development of a Psychotherapist. In R. Klein, H. Bernard, & V. Schermer ( Eds.) On Becoming a Psychotherapist: The Personal and Professional Journey. New York: Oxford Press.
C.W. POST PROVOST DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES CAN YOUR PET IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Dr. Suzanne Phillips, licensed psychologist, psychoanalyst, diplomat in group psychotherapy, fellow of American Group Psychotherapy Association, adjunct professor in the C.W. Post Clinical Psychology Doctoral program Wednesday, October 20 • 4 to 5 p.m., Great Hall, Winnick .House
Phillips, S. B .& Haen, C. “Bergen County School Crisis Intervention Trainng” (Outreach of The American Group Psychotherapy Association) Oct. 22, 2010.
Phillips, S. B. & Rohda, M. Coordinated and Lead an AGPA Team to provide “The Right Stuff” Camp Galaxy Day” for Military Children. 106th RescueWing, Gabeskie Navy Air Base, Westhampton Beach, N.Y. August 17,2010.
Phillips, S. B. & Ulman, K. (2010) “Echoes of Trauma” – Long Distance Trauma Training, AGPA- Long Distance Trauma Training Series, 5/27/2010.
Phillips, S.B. (2010) Chair and Moderator “Cultural Sensitivity in Disaster Response: Haiti and the Haitian Community” Panel with Haitian and American Professionals Co organized by the American Group Psychtherapy Association and The William Alanson White Institute. Both live in New York and on audio – 14 states at the UK March 19, 2010.
Phillips, S. B. & Klein B. (2010) Co-Chair 2 day Course “Using Groups for Trauma Intervention” Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. San Diego, CA 2/22-2/27/2010.
Phillips, S. B. & Kane, D. (2010) Workshop “ ‘Til Trauma Do Us Part: Helping Couples Heal in the Aftermath of Trauma and Combat Stress” Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. San Diego, CA 2/25/2010.
Phillips, S.(2010) Full Day Group Workshop at Stonybrook University Counseling Center “Where There is Group: There is Group Process.” Jan 12,2010 Stonybrook, N.Y.
Phillips, S. B.(2009) Interview by the Italian Psychological Association on the book Healing Together After Trauma :A Couple’s Guide to Coping with Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress by Raffaele Felaco “Guarire Insieme: Guida alla Coppia per Affrontare lo Stress Traumatico e Post-Traumatico” La Professione di Psicologo, November 2009, Rome Italy.
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Phillips, S.B. (2009) “The Development of the Therapist: What are the Key Contributors?” Panelist Presenter offering “ The Role of Personal Therapy in the Development of the Therapist” 2009 Annual Conference of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society” Nov.21,2009 Riverside Church, NY.,NY
Phillips, Raps, Feldman, Batkin-Kahn (2009) Online – Long Distance Training “Models on Combined Psychotherapy.” Dec.9,2009 American Group Psychotherapy Association.
Phillips, Klein, Beck, Ulman (2009) Online- Long Distance Trauma Training Course Oct – Nov 2009 American Group Psychological Association.
Phillips S. B. (2009) “Group Response to Trauma and Disaster: Lessons Learned by AGPA in the aftermath of 9/11: Care of the Caregivers: Group Interventions to Reduce Secondary PTSD and Vicarious Traumatization.” 17th Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Rome, Italy 8/24/09 & 8/29/09
Phillips S. B. (2009) Panelist in Symposium “Women in Groups in Times of Conflict” 17th Congress International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) Rome, Italy 8/24/09 & 8/29/09
Phillips S. B. (2009) AGPA “Mission Accomplished” Galaxy Camp Day for Military Children. 106th Air National Guard Wing, Gabeski Air Force Base, August 12, 2009. Phillips, S. B., Klein, R.,& Kleinberg, J. “Adaptation of the Basic Group Training Course AGPA” Long-distance training for three months using Skype – University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu China. ( 8 sessions) April – June 2009.
Phillips, Suzanne B. (2009) “Til Trauma Do Us Part: A Consideration of the Impact of Trauma on Couples and the Use of their Relationship as a Source of Recovery” Colloquium for The Post Graduate Psychotherapy Center of the Adelphi University Postgraduate Programs in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and the Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Garden City ,N.Y. May 15,2009.
Phillips, Suzanne B. (2009) “Finding God in Unsafe Places: The Role of Spirituality in Recovering From Trauma.” Workshop given at The Spirituality Convocation, Office of Spiritual Development, Archdiocese of New York, May 30,2009.
Phillips, S. B. (2008) As spokesman for the American Group Psychotherapy Association ( AGPA) Testimony before U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health at a hearing on “Mental Health Treatment for Families: Supporting Those Who Support Our Veterans” on February 28, 2008
Phillips S. & Kane, D. (2009) “Til Trauma Do Us Part: Protecting the Marriages of Military and Uniformed Services,” 10th World Congress on Trauma, ICISF, Baltimore, MD 2/28/09.
Phillips S., Klein, R., Kleinberg,J. (2009) Care of the Care Giver after Trauma – Long Distance- Skype Training, Tata School of Social Work, Mumbai, India. Jan30,2009.
Phillips S. & Klein R. (2009) Chair and Presenter “Two Day Training Institute on Public Mental Health Protocols for Trauma and Disaster, Group Intervention.” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annul Meeting, Chicago,IL..,2/16-2/21/09
Phillips, S. B,, Klein, R., & Kleinberg, J. (2008) “Training in Group Response to Trauma and Disaster- Long Distance Training of Chinese Psychologists Responding to the Earthquake.” July 18,2008 American Group Psychotherapy Association
Phillips S. B. & Kane, D. (2008) “Responding to Responders: A Couples Program to Reduce the Impact of Trauma on the Marriages of Firefighters” Dare to Transform Conference, National Council on Trauma Informed Care, July 11-12,2008, Washington, DC.
Phillips, S. B. Full Day Workshop- “Responding to the Needs of First Responders and Military in the Shadow of Trauma and War”, Presentation for San Diego Group Psychotherapy Society, San Diego, CA April 4, 2008
Phillips S. & Klein R. (2007) Chair and Presenter “Two Day Training Institute on Public Mental Health Protocols for Trauma and Disaster, Group Intervention.” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annul Meeting,Washington,DC.,2/18-2/23/08
Phillips, S. B. & Kane, D. (2008) “Retirement, Resilience and Reconnection” Workshop for Injured Firefighter Retirees, Counseling Office FDNY, Fort Totten, N.Y. Jan 26,2008.
Phillips, S. B. (2007) “Group Psychological First Aid: A Consideration of Impact and Intervention in the Aftermath of Disaster,” Full-Day Workshop, The 26th Annual Regional Conference, ‘ Life Forces: Hope, Passion & Spirituality in Our Groups.’ Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy, June 16,2007.
Phillips, S.B. & Underwood, M. ( 2007) Full Day Workshop “Responding to the Needs of Police Officers in the Aftermath of Trauma and Disaster: A Consideration of Risks, Resilience and Self-Care” Cop 2 Cop Program, American Group Psychotherapy Association Protocol Program Friday June 8, 2007
Phillips, S.B. ( 2007) Full Day Presentation “Responding to the Needs of First Responders after Trauma and Disaster: A Consideration of Culture, Intervention and Self-Care,” San Diego Group Psychotherapy Society, American Group Psychotherapy Association Protocol Program San Diego CA, April 20,2007
Phillips S. & Kane D. ( 2007) “Intervention with Uniformed Service Personnel in the Aftermath of Trauma and Disaster,” New England Disaster Behavioral Health Coordinators Group, Westborough ,MA April 13, 2007.
Phillips, S. & Beck R. (2007) “The Use of Psychological First Aid (PFA) & Group Psychological First Aid ( GroupPFA).” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annul Meeting, Austin Texas 3/10/07
Phillips S. & Klein R. (2007) Chair and Presenter “Two Day Training Institute on Public Mental Health Protocols for Trauma and Disaster, Group Intervention.” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annul Meeting, Austin Texas 3/8-3/9/07.
Phillips, S.., Kane, D., Feldman, D. ( 2007) “The Use of Psychological Firs Aid (PFA) & Group Psychological First Aid( GroupPFA).” Workshop , ICISF 9th World Congress on Stress, Trauma & Coping,- Evolving Comprehensive Crisis Intervention , Feb. 17, 2007, Baltimore MD.
Phillips, S. (2006) “Responses to Trauma: From Psychological First Aid to Psychoanalytic Understanding” Weekend Scholar for the Annual Fall Retreat of The Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Saugerties, NY Oct 13-15,2006
Phillips, S, Kane, D., & Ashley, W. (2006) “The Prominence of Loss after 9/11” Panel Presentation at “ Five Years Beyond 9/11: Creating Vital Connections As We Approach The Future, NYDIS, NY Oct 4, 2006.
Phillips, S. Green, P. & Kane ,D.( 2006) “Developing Innovative Responses to Communities in Need: The Lessons of the Fire Department of New York 9/11 Crisis Counseling” Workshop The 21st Annual Uniformed Services Social Work and Seamless Transition Conference jointly sponsored by Social Workers of Army, Air Force, Navy, USPHS& Dept of VA. Arlington Virginia August 2, 2006.
Phillips,S.& Beck,R.(2006) “Group Psychological First Aid ( Group-PFA)” Lecture and Demonstration Group. The Rice Memorial Fund & NSGP Conference, Group Interventions in Disaster Relief Efforts. Massachusetts General Hospital, April 29,2006.
Phillips, S., Kane, D,& Feldman D., (2006) “Utilizing Techniques of Group Psychological First Aid in a Group Setting.” AGPA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Feb.25,2006
Phillips, S,& Kane,D.( 2006) “Resiliency Couple Workshop For Retired Firefighters”, FDNY, April 2, NY.NY.
Phillips S.B.,& O’Donohue, P.( 2006) “Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives of Forgiveness”, Workshop, St Philip Neri Parish, Northport, N.Y. March 9,2006
Phillips, S.B. (2005) The Indelible Imprint of Trauma: Reflections in ‘Mystic River’ Paper Presentation as part of Panel “Much More than a Message: The Media as a Conscious and Unconscious Response to Trauma” (Chair- S. Phillips) APA Division of Psychoanalysis (39) 25th Annual Spring Meeting, April 13-17, New York, New York.
Everly G., Feldman, D., Kane, D., Phillips, S.B (2005) “Psychological First Aid: Preparing Practioners for the Unexpected” Workshop for Mental Health Professionals. St. Charles Hospital & Suffolk County Psychological Association, June 10,2005, Port Jefferson, N.Y.
Everly, G., Phillips, S., Kane,D, Feldman D., (2005) A Training Course for Intervening with Uniformed Service Personnel In the Aftermath Of Disaster, ‘ Group Psychological First Aid’. AGPA Annual Meeting, N.Y., March 2005.
Phillips,S. B. & Kane, D. ( 2005) “Intervention with Couples: The Effective Application of Group Principles”, 3 hour workshop, AGPA, Annual Meeting, N.Y. March 2005.
Phillips, S. B. & Kane, D. (2005) “Couples Connection for Retirement”, Fire Department of City of New York ( FDNY) Weekend Presentations and Groups, March 19,20, 2005
Phillips, S. B. (2005) “Finding God in Unsafe Places: The Relationship between Spirituality and Trauma,” Spiritual Development Centers, St. Philip Neri and Mary Queen of Martyrs Parishes, March 15,2005.
Phillips, S.B. (2004) “Finding God in Unsafe Places: The Relationship of Spirituality and Trauma ,” Center for Spiritual Development at Archbishop Stepinac High School, White Plains, NY, December 4, 2004.
Phillips, S. B. (2004) Conference Team Leader, “ Disaster Response with Uniformed Services ( Fire, Police, EMS, Military)” . Group Leader “Understanding Their Culture: Critical Interventions with Uniformed Personnel”; Panel Chair , “A Fresh Approach to Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress and its Innovative Application in Group Work with Veterans”; Panel Presenter “ Couples Connection,”Panel –“Innovative Group Interventions for Specific Needs: The Response of NYFD to the Devastation of 9/11,” American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meting, New York, Feb 23-28,2004.
Phillips, S. B. ( 2004) Presenter, Group Leader, and Principal Writer of the Curriculum (In conjunction with FDNY Counseling Office) “ The Couples Connection for Retirees-FDNY,” Manhattan , NY, Oct 16-17,2004.
Phillips, S. B. (2004) Group Leader, “ Resiliency Group” Combined group of 9/11 Corporate and Firefighter Widows, Northport, N.Y. ( September 2003-present)
Phillips, S.B. (2004) Presenter/ Group Leader. “Finding Ourselves,” POPPA Group – NYPD Police Wives (funded by AGPA), Farmingdale, N.Y. March 26,2004.
Phillips, S. B. ( 2004) Group Leader, New York Disaster Interfaith Services Conference “ Living In An Age of Terror: Creating Spiritual and Psychological Resilience,” Manhattan, NY, Oct 27,2004.
Phillips, S.B. (2003).Author of Module/Instructor “Counter Transference: Effects on the Group Therapist Working with Trauma,” All Day Training Course Sponsored by The Mental Health Association of New York City in collaboration with the American Group Psychotherapy Association, New York, N.Y. Offered on April 11, 2003; August 1, 2003; December 6, 2003.
Phillips, S. B. (2003) Paper Presentation, “The Crucial Role of the Bereavement Group in the Face of 9/11: A Self-Psychology Perspective.” Panel: Group as a Necessary Response to 9/11, American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Feb.18-23 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003) Group Presenter and Leader “Dealing With Children‘s Fears,” POPPA Group – NYPD Police Wives (funded by AGPA), Farmingdale, N.Y. November 14, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003). Paper Presentation “Marital Therapy: The Distillation of Myth and Memory Between Familiar Strangers,” The Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Fall Conference, Huntington, N.Y. November 8, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003). Group Presenter and Leader “The Handling of Trauma,” POPPA Group – NYPD Police Wives (funded by AGPA), Farmingdale, N.Y. September 26, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003). ,” Curriculum Writer, Instructor, Group Leader “The Couples Connection,” Trauma Recovery Work for the FDNY – Weekend Program for Active Firefighters and Wives, Sheraton, New York, N.Y. July 20- 21, 2002; September 27-28, 2002; December 7-8, 2002; January 18-19, 2003; March 8-9, 2003; August 2-3, 2003; September 20-21, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003). Paper Presentation “Character Transformation in the Aftermath of Unanticipated Traumatic Loss,” Division of Psychoanalysis (39) APA 23rd Annual Spring Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. April 2-6, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2003). Workshop Presenter “Night Shift: The Work of Dreams in Change and Recovery,” Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Huntington, N.Y., March 28, 2003.
Phillips, S.B. (2002). ). Panelist for Online Trauma Symposium Presented By The American Group Psychotherapy Association and Funded By The New York Times Company Foundation “Countertransference: Effects on the Group Therapist Working with Trauma,” Panel in Conjunction with Psybc.com, Daily from November 22 to December 22, 2002.
Phillips, S.B. (2002). Panelist for Online Trauma Symposium Presented By The American Group Psychotherapy Association and Funded By The New York Times Company Foundation – “Using Groups to Face the Second Wave of 9/11 Trauma,” Panel: in Conjunction with Psybc.com, Daily from June 5th – July 2, 2002 FDNY Counseling Office – Group Leader 9/11 Bereavement and Educational Groups (9/01 – present) Open Listening Session – Moderator / Large Group Leader, “Issues of Sexual Abuse” St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Parish, Northport, N.Y. 11768 July 2001 Open Listening Sessions – Moderator/Large Group Leader “Recovery from 9/11” – St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Parish, Northport, N.Y. 11768 (October 2001 – present) 9/11 Bereavement Group , Group Leader, St. Philip Neri Roman Catholic Parish, Northport, N.Y. (November 2001 – July 2003)
Phillips, S.B. and Maltin, M. (2001) Workshop Co-Leader “Understanding and Treatment of Trauma”, Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, October 2001 Huntington, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1999) T.V. Show Discussant on Metro-Psych Channel 18 “Relationships as Addictions and Sexual Perversions”, March 20, 1999.
Phillips, S.B. (1998) Paper Presentation “The Cavern of Dreams: Context for Collaboration and Integration” Suffolk Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Fall Conference, October 31, 1998, Huntington, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1998) Presentation to Interns “The Therapeutic Use of Dreams” V.A. Hospital, Northport, N.Y. 11768, Spring 1998
Phillips, S.B. (1997) Presentation to Interns “The Therapeutic Use of Dreams,” South Oaks Hospital, Amityville, N.Y. 11701, March 1997
Phillips, S.B. (1996) Key Note Speaker “Intruder and Insider: The Impact of the Supervision on the Supervisee and the Process of Supervision,” Fall Conference, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Huntington, N.Y. November 1996
Phillips, S.B. (1996) Presenter “A Supervisory Session” Open House, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Smithtown, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1995) Colloquium Presenter “The Interruption of Treatment with Trauma”, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, L.I.U., C.W. Post, Brookville, N.Y. Phillips, S.B. (1995) Presenter “The Use of Dreams,” Open House, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Smithtown, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1994) Paper Presentation “Desperately Keeping Someone: Relationships as Addictions,” Panel: Addictions as Solutions Within a Socio-Cultural Context Division of Psychoanalysis (39) APA, Washington D.C., 14th Annual Spring Meeting.
Phillips, S.B. (1993) Keynote Speaker “All That They Carry – The Psychological Implications of Pregnancy,” OB/GYN Depts., St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, Smithtown, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1993) Scholar in Residence “Trauma and Its Sequelae: A Psychoanalytic Perspective,” 2 day workshop, ASPP Fall Retreat, Jiminy Peak, MA
Phillips, S.B. (1993) Workshop Leader “Post-Traumatic Stress Response Syndrome,” Workshop Series, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Smithtown, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B., (1992) Presentation To Interns “Resistance in the Light of Evolving Psychoanalytic Thought,” South Oaks Hospital, Amityville, N.Y. 11701, April, 1992
Phillips, S.B., (1992) Keynote Speaker “Desperately Keeping Someone – Relationships as Addictions,” Fall Conference, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Huntington Hilton, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B., (1992) Workshop Leader “Spinning Straw into Gold: New Considerations of Resistance,” Workshop Series, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Smithtown, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B and Hescheles D.R. (1991) Workshop Co-Leader “Techniques for Facilitating the Developmental Stages of Group Psychotherapy: A Comparison of Long Term vs. Short Term Groups,”Workshop Series, Pederson-Krag Institute for Psychotherapy, Spring, 1991
Phillips, S.B., (1991) “Psychoanalytic Approaches to Marital Therapy,” Workshop Series, Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B., (1988) “The Analyst Pregnancy: Impasse or Metaphor For Change?” Keynote Speaker. Suffok County Psychological Association, Winter Dinner Conference, South Oaks Hospital, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B., (1987) “The Impact of Gender in the Analysis of the Homosexual”: Paper Presentation, American Psychological Association, Division 39, Annual Spring Meeting, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1987) “The Impact of the Analyst’s Pregnancy on the Borderline Patient” Symposium, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Adelphi University, N.Y.
Phillips, SB. (1987) “Supermom Phenomenon” Guest on WHPC 90.3 FM “Speaking of Psychology” New York
Phillips, S.B. and Newirth J.W. (1986) “Couples Therapy: A Psychoanalytic Perspective” Postdoctoral Psychotherapy Conference, Derner Insititute, Adelphi University, Garden City, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1986) “Issues of Psychoanalytic Group Therapy” Presentation, University Counseling Center, State University of N.Y. Stony Brook, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1982) “Couples Communicate About Sexual Issues” Round Table Discussion with Jim Pappas, Radio Broadcast, Sheridan Elson Communications, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1982) “Counter-Transference Issues of the Pregnant Analyst” Symposium, American Psychological Association, Division 39, Puerto Rico
Phillips, S.B. (1982) “When a Patient Needs to be Hospitalized” Conference “ Relevant Issues in Private Practice”, Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Garden City, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1981) “Being an Adoptive Parent” Spring Workshop Series, Huntington Alliance for Family Education, Huntington, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. and Hescheles, D. (1978) “The Referral Conference: School Psychologist’s Vehicle for Effective Outside Referrals”, Tenth Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists, , N.Y.
Philliips, S.B. (1978) “Acquisition of Sex Roles in Children” East Northport School PTA, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1978) “Adolescents Handling Parental Loss”, Widow and Widowers Club, West Babylon, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1977) “Children Facing Divorce”, Western Suffolk Counselor Association, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1977) “Patterns of Communication Between Couples”, West Islip Women’s Center, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1977) “A Multi-Modal Model for Psychological Assessment and Remediation” New York State Personnel and Guidance Association, N.Y.
Phillips, S.B. (1977) “The Working Mother – Strategies for Coping with Multiple Roles” National Organization for Women, State Conference, Plainview, N.Y.