Dr. Suzanne B. Phillips
Licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist, Author, Radio Host and Media Consultant Covering a Wide Range of Psychological Topics

About Suzanne
Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D., ABPP is a licensed psychologist. She is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University and on the faculty of the Post-Doctoral Programs of the Derner Institute of Adelphi University and The Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. As a psychologist she has worked with couples for over 25 years and in the aftermath of trauma has provided direct service to civilians and uniformed responders, trained other professionals, published on bereavement, trauma, uniformed services and couples. In February 2008, she testified for the needs of military and their families before Congress. Dr.Phillips is a Diplomat in Group Psychology and serves as Co-Chair of the Community Outreach task force of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. Most recently she co-edited Public Mental Health Service Delivery Protocols: Group Interventions for Disaster Preparedness and Response. New York: American Group Psychotherapy Association (2008) University.

About Dianne
Dianne Kane, DSW, CGP, is a licensed clinical social worker and certified group psychotherapist. She is an Adjunct Professor at Hunter College School of Social Work and the Assistant Director of the Counseling Service Unit of the Fire Department of New York. She has been involved in the development and delivery of employee assistance and trauma related services to uniform personnel in NYC since 1994. Following the loss of 343 NYC firefighters on 9/11 she was responsible for the rapid expansion and development of trauma and bereavement services to over 15,000 members of the FDNY community. Currently these programs serve over 3,000 responders annually and continue to follow over 200 bereaved family members. In addition she has provided services to members of the New Orleans Fire Department following Hurricane Katrina and to FDNY veterans deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. With a prior background in staff development and training she has served as a consultant to numerous for profit and not for profit organizations following critical incidents and during periods of reorganization. Dr. Kane is a Certified Group Psychotherapist and serves on the Community Outreach task force of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. She is co-author of FDNY Crisis Counseling: Innovative Responses to 9/11 Firefighters, Families, and Communities. New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons,(2006).