Is Your Self-Esteem Threatening Your Relationship?
Most people look toward their marriage or long term relationship as a context for love, support and affirmation. Research suggests, however, that a person’s self-esteem
Licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist, Author, Radio Host and Media Consultant Covering a Wide Range of Psychological Topics
Most people look toward their marriage or long term relationship as a context for love, support and affirmation. Research suggests, however, that a person’s self-esteem
If you are human and you are in a relationship it is inevitable that at times you will be angry with your partner. I often
On August 15, 2010 Governor Patterson signed the no-fault divorce bill making New York the 50th and final state to adopt no-fault divorce. What that
A study reported by Janice Kiecolt-Glaser indicated that research shows that childhood trauma and adversity can actually shorten a child’s lifespan by 7 to 15
Almost every couple has a car story- be it good, bad or ugly. Romance unfolds in cars. Given the privacy, small space, music, heat
While the movie Inception has certainly invited discussion about dreams and even an interest and analysis of viewers’ own nightmares, you may recall that in
In the last blog (Part 1) we began our interview with Laurie Abraham, author of The Husband and Wives Club: A Year in the Life
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